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Tally Prime Auto Backup | Automatic Data Backup TDL for Tally Prime | 2022 Best Tally Prime Auto Backup TDL | Free Tally Backup TDL

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We always work hard and want to try finish our work on time. In life we can not restore our past life backup. But in Tally software it allow to restore data backup and works smoothly without any error.It is very important in working to take software backups to solve our mistakes by restoring data backup.If you use Tally Prime or Tally ERP9, this Auto backup TDL will help to create backups of data at company open and company close time. And always this will help to remember to create backup file of your working company.This is must have Tally TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9.With this Free Tally Prime TDL, Now we can create Tally Data backups without any fail.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally . Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

  • Copy TDL code and Make a text file and save it in your computer.
  • Load in Tally ERP9 or in Tally Prime (Method provided below)
  • When open or close any company it will ask to take backup of Tally Data
  • Press enter or Click on Yes to create a back of files with Date and Time
  • You can change Tally Backup path in code
Tally Backup TDL Code:
[System: Events]
TSPL Smp CmpLoadEvent2 : Load Company : NOT $$IsRemoteCompany : Call : Backup Function
TSPL Smp CmpCloseEvent : Close Company : NOT $$IsRemoteCompany : Call : Backup Function

[Function: Backup Function]
Variable : Backup Det Var: String
00 : IF : ##EnableAutoBackup
10 : IF : ##AutoBackupPrompt
20 : QUERYBOX : "Backup Company ?" : Yes:No
30 : IF : $$LastResult
40 : CALL : Backup Company
50 : ENDIF
60 : ELSE :
70 : CALL : Backup Company
80 : ENDIF
90 : ENDIF

[Function: Backup Company]
10 : SET : BackupDetVar : @@DestPath + ", " + ##SVCurrentPath + ", " + ##SVCurrentCompany + +
", " + @@CoNumber
20 : BACKUP COMPANY : "," : ##BackupDetVar
30 : SET : SVBackupPath : @@DestPath
[System: Formula]
DestPath : ##DestinationPath + "\" + @@DateForm + "\" + @@TimeForm
CoNumber : $$String:($CompanyNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany):5
DateForm : $$String:$$MachineDate
TimeForm : @@HrsForm + @@MtsForm
HrsForm : If $$StringPart:$$MachineTime:0:2 CONTAINS ":" +
Then $$StringPart:$$MachineTime:0:1 +
Else $$StringPart:$$MachineTime:0:2
MtsForm : if $$StringPart:$$MachineTime:0:2 CONTAINS ":" +
Then $$StringPart:$$MachineTime:2:2 +
Else $$StringPart:$$MachineTime:3:2
[Variable: EnableAutoBackup]
Type : Logical
Persistent : Yes
[Variable: DestinationPath]
Type : String
Persistent : Yes
[Variable: AutoBackupPrompt]
Type : Logical
Persistent : Yes
[System: Variable]
EnableAutoBackup: Yes
DestinationPath : "D:\Autobackup"
AutoBackupPrompt: Yes
  1. Copy above TDL code and make a text file
  2. Save text file in your computer
  3. Copy text file path including its name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Party Detail.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime or Tally ERP9
  5.  Press F12 and goto Product and Features (for Tally ERP9)
  6. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  7. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  8. Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  9. Paste The path in blank space
  10. Press enter and save

Now your TDL is ready to use. 

Watch above video to learn :
  • How to create backup of Tally Data.
  • How to see backup list with date and time.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. rahul

    data path d:\ drive karna hai

    1. ashish

      Yes. if you need another path, You can change in TDL Code

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