You are currently viewing 2023 Best Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report

2023 Best Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report

This Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report will help to see which item you sold more and which item you sold less. And same also can see which customer buy which items more and which customer buy which item less.

We all know Tally is a popular accounting software used by businesses to manage their financial operations. It is known for its flexibility and customization options, which allow users to tailor the software to their specific needs. One useful customization is the creation of Tally Definition Language (TDL) programs, which can be used to enhance the functionality of Tally.

In this blog post, we will see how to use a Tally TDL program to view party-wise and product-wise sale reports in Tally. With this free TDL file, businesses can easily track their sales performance and identify trends and patterns in their customer and product data.

Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report

Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report Code:

We can modify this TDL code according to our need. We can add some additional fields, we can remove extra fields, and it is must have TDL code for Tally Erp9 and Tally Prime. Best simple Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report:

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]
Item: Ledger Wise Stock Sale: Display: Learnwell Rep

[Report: Learnwell Rep]

	Use			: DSP Template
	Form		: Learnwell Rep
	Variable	: DoSetAutoColumn, IName
	Repeat		: IName
	Set 		: DoSetAutoColumn 		: Yes
	Set			: DSPRepeatCollection	: "Learnwell Party"
	Set         : SVFromDate          	: $$MonthStart:##SVCurrentDate
	Set         : SVToDate             	: $$MonthEnd:##SVCurrentDate

[Form: Learnwell Rep]

	Use			: DSP Template
	Parts		: PrtHdr,Learnwell Rep
	Background 	: White, Light Yellow
    Button      			: ExplodeFlag, ChangeDybkDate, ChangePeriod
    BottomButton			: BlankButton, RelReports, InvReports, AcctReports, Report Operations, StatRegConfigure, FilterButton, ValueButton
	Bottom Toolbar Buttons 	: BottomToolBarBtn1, BottomToolBarBtn2_EditVch, BottomToolBarBtn3, BottomToolBarBtn4, BottomToolBarBtn5, BottomToolBarBtn6, BottomToolBarBtn7, BottomToolBarBtn8, BottomToolBarBtn9, BottomToolBarBtn10, BottomToolBarBtn11, BottomToolBarBtn12

    Buttons     : PrintButton, ExportButton, UploadButton, MailButton

	Option		: Set Auto Vch Option 	: ##DoSetAutoColumn AND $$SetAutoColumns:IName

	[!Form: Set Auto Vch Option]

[Part: PrtHdr]
		Lines	: PrtHdr

		[Line: PrtHdr]
			Field        : Name Field
			Right Field  : DSP MainDateTitle
			Field        : FldHrd		
			Local        : Field : Name Field : Style : Normal
			Space Bottom : 1.5
			[Field: FldHrd]
				Set As    : "Party-Wise Product-Wise  Sales QTY Report"
                Style     : Normal Bold
	            FullWidth : Yes
	            Border    : Thin Bottom
	            Align     : Centre
	            Skip      : Yes
	            Fixed     : Yes
				Width     : 50% Screen

[Part: Learnwell Rep]

	Lines		: Learnwell Rep Title, Learnwell Rep Details
	BottomLines	: Learnwell Rep Total
	Repeat		: Learnwell Rep Details		: Smp Stock Item
	Scroll		: Vertical
	CommonBorder: Yes
	Total		: Learnwell Rep Party, Learnwell Rep Col Total

	[Line: Learnwell Rep Title]

		Use		: Learnwell Rep Details

		Local	: Field	: Default			: Type		: String
		Local	: Field	: Default			: Align		: Center

		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Name		: Set as	: "Particulars"
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Name		: Widespaced: Yes
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Party	: Set as	: ##IName
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Party	: Lines		: 0
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep ColTotal	: Set as	: "Total"
		Border	: Flush Totals

	[Line: Learnwell Rep Details]

		Fields	: Learnwell Rep Name, Learnwell Rep Party, Learnwell Rep Col Total
		Repeat	: Learnwell Rep Party
		Total	: Learnwell Rep Party

		[Field: Learnwell Rep Name]

			Use			: Name Field
			Set as		: $PName
			Variable    : LedgerName
            Display     : Ledger Monthly Summary

		[Field: Learnwell Rep Party]

			Use			: Qty Primary Field
			Set as		: $$ReportObject:$$CollectionFieldByKey:$BilledQty:@MyFormula:LearnwellSummVoucher
			MyFormula	: ##IName + #LearnwellRepName
			Format		: "NoZero"
			Border		: Thin Left

		[Field: Learnwell Rep Col Total]

			Use			: Qty Primary Field
			Set as		: $$Total:LearnwellRepParty
			Border		: Thin Left

	[Line: Learnwell Rep Total]

		Fields	: Learnwell Rep Name, Learnwell Rep Party, Learnwell Rep Col Total
		Repeat	: Learnwell Rep Party

		Local	: Field	: Default			: Type		: String
		Local	: Field	: Default			: Align		: Center

		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Name		: Set as	: "Total"
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Name		: Widespaced: Yes
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep Party	: Set as	: $$Total:LearnwellRepParty
		Local	: Field	: Learnwell Rep ColTotal	: Set as	: $$Total:LearnwellRepColTotal
		Border	: Thin Top
;; Collection Definition

[Collection: Learnwell Voucher]

	Type		: Voucher
	Filter		: IsSalesVT
	Childof : $$GroupSundryDebtors
	Belongs To : yes

[Collection: Learnwell Summ Voucher]

	Source Collection	: Learnwell Voucher

	Walk				: Inventory Entries
	By					: PName			: $PartyLedgerName
	By					: IName			: $StockItemName
	Aggr Compute		: BilledQty		: SUM	: $BilledQty

	Search Key			: $IName + $PName

[Collection: Smp Stock Item]

	Source Collection	: Learnwell Voucher

	Walk				: Inventory Entries
	By					: PName			: $PartyLedgerName
	Aggr Compute		: BilledQty		: SUM	: $BilledQty

	;Filter				: NonEmptyQty

[Collection: Learnwell Party]

	Source Collection	: Learnwell Voucher

	Walk				: Inventory Entries
	By					: IName			: $StockItemName
	Aggr Compute		: BilledQty		: SUM	: $BilledQty

	;Filter				: NonEmptyQty

[Variable: IName]

	Type		: String
	Repeat		: ##DSPRepeatCollection

[System: Formula]

	IsSalesVT	: $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName
	NonEmptyQty	: NOT $$IsEmpty:$BilledQty

;; End-of-File

How to use Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report TDL:

HOW TO USE TDL to see Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report :
  • Copy above TDL code and make a text file.
  • Save text file then load in Tally Prime or in Tally ERP9 (Method provided below the code)
  • Now in your Tally screen you will find ledger wise stock sale tab.
  • Click on the tab to see party wise and product wise sale report.

Also get GST details in voucher screen TDL

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally . Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

How to use Ledger and product wise report TDL video:

Find more videos on

Watch above video to learn :

  • How to use TDL file in Tally Prime.
  • How to see ledger and item wise sale details.
  • How to modify voucher with TDL code.
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\ledgeritemtdl.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Tally TDL to See Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Report is ready to use.


What is Tally TDL?

Tally Definition Language (TDL) is a programming language used to create customizations in Tally. TDL allows users to modify the existing features of Tally or add new features as per their requirements.

What is Party Wise and Product wise Sale Report in Tally?

Party Wise and Product wise Sale Report is a report in Tally that displays the sales made to each party. It shows the details of the party name and stock items that sold.

Why would I need a Tally TDL program to view Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Reports?

By default, Tally does not provide the option to view Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Reports. With a Tally TDL program, you can create custom reports that display the sales made to each party and for each product, making it easier to analyze your sales performance.

How can I create a Tally TDL program to view Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Reports?

You can create a Tally TDL program using Tally Developer, a tool provided by Tally Solutions. In the TDL program, you can define the required data structures, functions, and reports to display the Party Wise and Product Wise Sale Reports.